03.2025 – Lining joins our lab to study the mechanism of lipid nanoparticle uptake in cells. Welcome Lining!

02.2025 – Kyrill joins our lab to develop in vitro fertilization for plant gametes. Welcome Kyrill!

02.2025 – Our lab is highlighted as a model research group for excellent science and career development by Nature!

01.2025 – Owen wins first place in the 2025 Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop for his work on data misrepresentation. Congrats Owen!

01.2025 – Kylee joins our lab to study the use of cell penetrating peptides for protein delivery in plants. Welcome Kylee!

12.2024 – Owen’s preprint quantifying data distortion in bar graphs is highlighted by Science and Nature!

10.2024 – Markita is selected as the 2024 Blavatnik National Laureate in Chemistry! Check out the video highlighting our lab!

10.2024 – Markita gives the 2024 Thiele Award Lecture at Notre Dame!

08.2024 – Henry wins the Philomathia Graduate Fellowship in Environmental Sciences. Congrats, Henry!

05.2024 – Natsumi wins the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface (CASI) – congrats, Natsumi!

03.2024 – Markita wins the Heising-Simons Faculty Award!

10.2023 – Owen Lin joins the lab – Welcome Owen!

08.2023 – Markita is selected as a Schmidt Polymath Fellow!

05.2023 – Roxana wins the Burroughs Wellcome Fund PDEP award – congrats, Roxana!

04.2023 – Markita gives The 2023 Purdue Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Award Lectureship

03.2023 – Natsumi Komatsu joins the lab – Welcome Natsumi!

03.2023 – Roxana wins the NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology. Congratulations, Roxana!

01.2023 – Markita is selected as a Bakar Prize recipient!

10.2022 – Jaquesta wins a poster prize at the 2022 Chemical Biology symposium!

10.2022 – Markita and Wenjun Zhang win a Keck Foundation award to study medicinal plants!

10.2022 – Markita is recognized with the 2022 UNC Chapel Hill Distinguished Young Alumni Award!

09.2022 – Roxana Coreas joins the lab – Welcome Roxana!

07.2022 – Nicole wins a poster prize at the Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience meeting!

07.2022 – Markita is selected as an Honorable Mention for the National Academies of Science Diversity Leadership Award!

06.2022 – Markita wins the McKnight Scholar Award!

05.2022 – Markita is awarded the inaugural Philomathia Prize!

05.2022 – Sophia Tomatz joins the lab – Welcome Sophie!

04.2022 – Undergrad member Alexia Li received the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award from the Chemistry Department and a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for Chemical Engineering. Congrats Alexia!

02.2022 – Dabin Yim joins the lab – Welcome Dabin!

01.2022 – Markita is selected as a 2022-2026 Chan-Zuckerberg Investigator!

11.2021 – Henry Squire joins the lab – Welcome Henry!

09.2021 – Markita wins the 2022 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise!

09.2021 – Markita is shortlisted for the Nature Research Award for Inspiring Women in Science!

07.2021 – Juliana Matos and Shoichi Nishitani join the lab – welcome!

06.2021 – Rebecca wins the 2021 Schmidt Science Fellowship – congratulations!

05.2021 – Jaquesta Adams and Jaewan Mun join the lab – welcome!

05.2021 – Markita wins the 2021 Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Award!

05.2021 – Markita gives a (virtual) graduation address at the 2021 University of Illinois Commencement Ceremony.

03.2021 – Liz wins the 2021 NDSEG Graduate Research Fellowship – congrats!!

03.2021 – Huan and Nat post a bioRxiv preprint on the fundamental transport mechanisms of nanoparticles in plants: Nanoparticle Cellular Internalization is Not Required for RNA Delivery to Mature Plant Leaves.

03.2021 – Huan posts a bioRxiv preprint on our collaborative work with Peidong Yang’s lab using gold nanoclusters for transgene-free gene silencing in plants: Gold nanocluster mediated delivery of siRNA to intact plant cells for efficient gene knockdown.

03.2021 – Markita is highlighted in the University of Illinois Department of Chemistry Alumni Newsletter.

02.2021 – Travis has started as a scientist at Quantrapore Genomics. Congratulations!

02.2021 – Markita is interviewed for Caminos en Ciencia to talk about her path in science and advice for pursuing a career in STEM. Check out the interview [in Spanish] here!

01.2021 – Sanghwa will be Professor Jeong, as he starts his lab at the Pusan National University, School of Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations!

12.2020 – Markita wins the NSF CAREER Award!

12.2020 – Markita is selected as a CZI Frontiers of Imaging Deep Tissue Awardee!

11.2020 – Rebecca wins 1st place for her talk at the AIChE nanobiotechnology award session, and 2nd place for her talk in the AICHE Sensors Topical Student Competition. Congrats Rebecca!

11.2020 – Rebecca posts a medRxiv preprint on the development of a SARS-CoV-2 nanosensor for the detection of active COVID-19 infections! Read her preprint titled Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Detection by Carbon Nanotube-Based Near-Infrared Nanosensors.

10.2020 – Markita wins the 2020 Society for Neuroscience Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Award!

10.2020 – Sarah Yang is awarded the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award!

09.2020 – Markita is selected as one of the top 100 most influential Hispanic/Latinx scientists in America!

09.2020 – Nanomaterials enable neuro-recordings, drug delivery, and brain imaging… but how do they affect the brain? Darwin publishes his study showing nanoparticle-induced microglial morphogenic and transcriptomic changes – and how to prevent these immune responses, in ACS Nano!

09.2020 – The Landry Lab is part of an NSF Center for Chemical Innovation program led by the Schepartz Lab: The Center for Genetically-Encoded Materials!

08.2020 – Huan’s paper on the synthesis of DNA nanostructures for siRNA-based gene silencing in plants is published in Nature ProtocolsCongrats!

08.2020 – Markita is honored as the inaugural 2020 University of Illinois Young Alumni Awardee!

08.2020 – Congrats to Rebecca who was selected for the Merck Research Awards Symposium at the ACS  annual meeting!

08.2020 – Huge congrats to Huan Zhang, who will start her faculty position at the Jinan University Department of Chemistry and Materials Science. The Zhang lab will combine nanomaterials and plants to pioneer research in the agricultural biotechnology space!

07.2020 – Darwin publishes a preprint on the transcriptomic and morphogenic changes induced in brain microglia by nanomaterials. Check out how to prevent these neuro-immune responses in his preprint: Transcriptomic and morphological response of SIM-A9 mouse microglia to carbon nanotube neuro-sensors!

07.2020 – Rebecca publishes her work on Engineering at the nano-bio interface: harnessing the protein corona towards nanoparticle design and function in Analyst.

07.2020 – Huan publishes her work on the use of DNA nanostructures to develop fluorescent DNA microarrays in Sensors and Actuators B titled A DNA Tetrahedral Structure-Mediated Ultrasensitive Fluorescent Microarray Platform for Nucleic Acid Test.

07.2020 – Gozde publishes a paper showing DNA-free gene silencing in plants by using carbon nanotubes to deliver siRNA to mature leaves. Check out her work, Carbon nanocarriers deliver siRNA to intact plant cells for efficient gene knockdown published in Science Advances!

07.2020 – Rebecca is selected as a 2020 Distinguished Young Scholar Speaker at the University of Washington Chemical Engineering Department!

06.2020 – Cindy and Abraham publish their work, in collaboration with the Vukovic Lab, on a joint experimental and molecular dynamics effort in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Read about it in their paper titled Binding Affinity and Conformational Preferences Influence Kinetic Stability of Short Oligonucleotides on Carbon Nanotubes.

06.2020 – The Landry Lab is highlighted in C&E News for our lab’s #ShutDownSTEM activities.

06.2020 – Markita is selected as the first female recipient of the ECS SES Research Young Investigator Award!

06.2020 – Congratulations to our two newest Ph.D. graduates – Gozde and Linda! Linda joins the research team at Gordian Biotechnology in San Francisco, and Gozde will join the Caltech Chemical Engineering department as a professor to start the Demirer lab in 2022!

05.2020 – Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers Francesca, Matthew, and Xiaoqi on being awarded Summer Research Stipends from the Berkeley College of Chemistry!

04.2020 – Markita is selected as the 2020 Emerging Leader in Molecular Spectroscopy awardee and will give a plenary lecture at SciX 2020!

04.2020 – Does DNA stick to graphene quantum dots (GQDs)? Turns out yes … but it depends on how oxidized these tiny particles are. Read about it in Rebecca and Sanghwa’s new paper published in Scientific Reports: Graphene Quantum Dot Oxidation Governs Noncovalent Biopolymer Adsorption.

04.2020 – Dorothy was selected to give a talk at the MCB Honors Symposium for Undergraduate research during the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Honors Research session! Stream here talk here!

04.2020 – Our recent work on plant genetic transformation with nanoparticles is highlighted on NPR’s Changing the World One Invention at a Time series!

04.2020 – Congrats to Alison, Jeff, and Ami on their selection as NSF GRFP fellows!

03.2020 – Congrats to Rebecca on her selection for the 2020 ACS CAS Future Leaders Program – a highly competitive international award recognizing emerging early-career scientific trailblazers and the next generation of scientific leaders!

03.2020 – Linda’s manuscript demonastrating dual covalent and non-covalent functionalization of nanotubes for molecular imaging is published in Advanced Functional Materials.

02.2020 – Markita joins the scientific advisory board of Chi Botanic, a company dedicated to developing plant cell lines and cultures for streamlining plant synthetic biology.

01.2020 – Rebecca and Darwin’s paper on their corona exchange protocol to study carbon nanotube binding dynamics with proteins is published in JACS! Read all about it in their article titled Corona exchange dynamics on carbon nanotubes by multiplexed fluorescence monitoring.

01.2020 – Human plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, nanotechnology, SAXS, thermodynamics, and kinetics – Rebecca’s new preprint has it all! Check out this work that nicely explains why so many of our nanotechnologies fail to perform in vivo: tinyurl.com/t3pcam9

12.2019 – Congrats to Sanghwa for publishing his paper on evolution of molecular recognition for serotonin! See how we repurpose molecular engineering to generate new binding sites for neuromodulator serotonin. Like protein engineering, but with synthetic particles – read about it in our Science Advances paper, High-throughput evolution of near-infrared serotonin nanosensors!

12.2019 – Congratulations to Abraham on his Ph.D. graduation! We will miss you – and look forward to seeing all of the exciting science that will come out of the Beyene Lab at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus!

11.2019 – Markita joins the scientific advisory board of Terramera, a company focused on optimized delivery to plants to reduce our global pesticide load. Learn more about Terramera here!

11.2019 – Markita recieves the 2019 UC Berkeley Campus Prytanean Faculty Award!

11.2019 – Linda’s posts a preprint to bioRxiv about her work on covalent surface modification on nanotube surfaces for molecular sensing! Read about it in her article: Surface Modification Effects on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Multimodal Optical Applications.

11.2019 – Congrats to Frankie, our lab’s newest PhD candidate, on passing his qualifying exam!

10.2019 – Welcome to the 5 new Landry lab graduate students: Chris (chemistry), Madeline (neuro), Nicole (chemistry), and Josh & Francis (chemical & biomolecular engineering) who are researching a broad range of topics from nanosensor evolution to genetic engineering of extremophiles for life on Mars!

09.2019 – Rebecca and Darwin publish a preprint studying corona exchange kinetics on nanoparticles & recommend testing nanosensors in blood plasma instead of serum. Read about it in their bioRxiv preprint: Corona exchange dynamics on carbon nanotubes by multiplexed fluorescence monitoring.

09.2019 – Sarah passes her qualifying exam! Congrats!

09.2019 – Markita is selected as a 2019 Bakar Fellow to translate nanotechnologies from the lab bench to the marketplace!

09.2019 – Rebecca is selected as one of the two recipients of the 2019 Chemical Engineering department Excellence in Teaching award. Congrats Rebecca!

08.2019 – Abraham’s dopamine imaging research is highlighted as a ‘speaking of chemistry’ video in C&E News!

08.2019 – Markita is selected as one of the C&EN Talented Twelve!

08.2019 – Congrats to Nat on a successful qualifying exam!

08.2019 – Nat is selected as a 2019 FFAR Fellow! This competitive fellowship is awarded to 17 talented food and ag scientists with a 3-year fellowship opportunity that supports research in food and agricultural research.

07.2019 – Abraham’s manuscript describing a near-infrared probe to image dopamine in the brain extracellular space is published in Science Advanesand summarized in Nature News.

06.2019 – Sanghwa and Rebecca publish a preprint on polynucleotide and biopolymer adsorption to graphene oxide quantum dots. Read about this work in their preprint: Graphene Quantum Dot Oxidation Governs Noncovalent Biopolymer Adsorption

06.2019 – Sanghwa publishes a preprint on a method to evolve synthetic molecular recognition, and produces a near-infrared nanosensor for neurotransmitter serotonin! Read about this work in Sanghwa’s preprint: High Throughput Evolution of Near Infrared Serotonin Nanosensors.

06.2019 – Markita publishes an opinion piece with Neena Mitter in Natute Nanotechnology on non-GMO plant biotechnology with the emergence of genome editing and nanotechnology tools. How nanocarriers delivering cargoes in plants can change the GMO landscape.

05.2019 – Abraham accepts a group leader position at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus. The Beyene lab will open in early 2020 to study neuromodulation with development of optical probes for the neuroscience toolkit. Congratulations, Abraham!

04.2019 – Linda’s research shows how peptoid-nanotube “synthetic antibodies” can detect lectin proteins and their conjugate sugars! Her paper summarizing this work is published in (and selected as the journal cover of!) Nano Letters.

04.2019 – Congratulations to Frankie, Sal, and Andrew for being awarded the NSF GFRP, and to Ami for the honorable mention!

03.2019 – Huan’s research on transfection-free gene silencing in plants with DNA nanostructures and DNA origami is published in PNAS: DNA nanostructures coordinate gene silencing in mature plants.

03.2019 – Markita is interviewed on NPR All Things Considered to discuss how nanotubes get DNA into plant cells. Check out the interview with Joe Palca on the NPR website!

02.2019 – Gozde’s work on delivering genes to plants with nanotubes is in press! Read about how to genetically engineer plants without transgene integration: High Aspect Ratio Nanomaterials Enable Delivery of Functional Genetic Material Without Transgenic DNA Integration in Mature Plants published in Nature Nanotechnology.

02.2019 – Huan finds that DNA nanostructures and DNA origami can deliver siRNA to plants – and that size does matter (but only to an extent…)! Read about it in her bioRxiv preprint: DNA Nanostructures Coordinate Gene Silencing in Mature Plants

01.2019 – Linda was selected as a winner (out of 79 submissions!) for the Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division student presentation competition at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, for presenting her work on peptoid-SWNT nanosensors!

01.2019 – Gozde has been selected for the 2019 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Graduate Student Award Symposium at the Fall ACS meeting. Congratulations!

12.2018 – Linda’s work on creating peptoid-nanotube based protein sensors is posted to the bioRxiv! Read about it in her article: Electrostatic-assemblies of single-walled carbon nanotubes and sequence-tunable peptoid polymers detect a lectin protein and its target sugars.

11.2018 – Travis’ work on statistical approaches to nanosensor discovery yields an optical nanosensor for chemotherapeutic doxorubicin! Read about his results in his article titled Chemometric Approaches for Developing Infrared Nanosensors to Image Anthracyclines published in ACS Biochemistry.

11.2018 – Markita is awarded the 2018 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Young Investigator Award!

11.2018 – We’re on a two-year streak! Darwin and Gozde both win speaker awards at the AIChE annual meeting for their talks in the Nanoscale Science & Engineering Forum.

10.2018 – Abraham and Kristen publish a viewpoint on methods to image dopamine titled New Optical Probes Bring Dopamine to Light published in ACS Biochemistry.

10.2018 – Abraham and our colleagues publish a paper describing an ultra-sensitive dopamine nanosensor in Nano Letters titled Ultralarge Modulation of Fluorescence by Neuromodulators in Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Self-assembled Oligonucleotide Rings

10.2018 – Welcome to the three new Landry Lab graduate students: Alison Liu from Caltech (& co-advised with Kranthi Mandadapu), Nick Ouassil from Columbia , and Jeff Wang from UT Austin!

09.2018 – Our work on imaging brain neurochemistry with the Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub is highlighted in CNBC!

08.2018 – Congrats to Rebecca, our lab’s newest PhD candidate!

08.2018 – Our lab publishes a review in NanoResearch titled Advances in Nanomaterials for Brain Microscopy. Congrats to Travis, who led the effort!

08.2018 – Congratulations to Travis, who won a 2-year Department of Defense Early Investigator Research Fellowship for his research proposal to study dopaminergic neuromodulation in Parkinson’s Disease.

07.2018 – Our lab posts a preprint introducing nIRCat, a near-infrared nanosensor to measure dopamine in striatal brain tissue in collaboration with the Wilbrecht Lab!

07.2018 – Markita is selected as a Moore Foundation 2018 Scialog fellow for the chemical machinery of the cell.

07.2018 – Markita is selected as a 45 under 45 Young Innovator in NanoBiotech by NanoResearch.

06.2018 – Abraham and Ali’s research on developing an ultrasensitive dopamine and norepinephrine nanosensor is on the bioRxiv: Ultralarge Modulation of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Fluorescence Mediated by Neuromodulators Adsorbed on Arrays of Oligonucleotide Rings.

06.2018 – Gabriel has passed his biophysics qualifying exam – congrats!

05.2018 – Abraham is awarded a prestigious NIH F99/K00 Transitional Award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Congratulations!

05.2018 – Markita receives a 2018 DARPA Young Faculty award!

04.2018 – Nat and Frankie’s paper discussing nanoparticles for plant genetic engineering is published in Cell Press Trends in Biotechnology, with discussion on heterogenous global GMO regulations and the evolving GMO discussion surrounding CRISPR-based gene editing in crops.

04.2018 – Our paper with Junchen Wu describing how intermolecular interactions decrease the efficacy of antibacterial peptides is published in ACS Biochemistry!

03.2018 – Abhishek wins a 2018 College of Chemistry Undergraduate Research Award!

03.2018 – Rebecca wins the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!

03.2018 – Rebecca is selected as an ECS Travel Awardee for her Electrochemical Society Conference talk titled Elucidating Protein Corona Formation on Nanocarbons in Complex Biological Fluids

02.2018 – Markita is selected as a 2018 Sloan Research Fellow! Read more about the award here, other awardees here, and through the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute announcement.

01.2018 – Gozde’s work on genetic manipulation of plants is on the bioRxiv : high-efficiency genetic transformation of wheat, arugula, and benthamiana with nanoparticle conjugates.

01.2018 – Junchen and Markita submit a bioRxiv preprint on the antibacterial efficacy of antimicrobial peptides as a function of peptide self-aggregation.

01.2018 – Frankie, Nat, and Sarah have all passed their oral preliminary exams. Congrats!

12.2017 – Markita is selected as a 2017 FFAR New Innovator. See articles by Berkeley Chemistry and Berkeley IGI for details!

11.2017 – Markita is a co-author on a paper describing nanoparticle-based and ATP-fueled light emitting plants!

11.2017 – Our lab is 4/4 this year: Darwin Yang passed his qualifying exam- congrats!

11.2017 – Gozde wins third place for her talk on genetic transformation of plants with nanomaterials in the 2017 AIChE Bionanotechnology graduate student award session!

11.2017 – Linda wins second place for her talk on protein detection in the 2017 AIChE Carbon Nanomaterials Graduate Student Award Session!

10.2017 – Abraham Beyene passed his qualifying exam! Congrats to our newest Ph.D. candidate!

10.2017 – Welcome to the three new Landry Lab graduate students: Frankie Cunningham from UC Santa Barbara, Natalie Goh from Cornell, and Sarah Yang (joint with the Schaffer lab) from Columbia!

09.2017 – A big congrats to Linda for passing her qualifying exam!

09.2017 – Check our our lab’s new work on engineering peptides for self-assembly into anti-cancer nanoparticles, published in RSC Chemical Science!

08.2017 – Congratulations to Rebecca Pinals, who won the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award!

08.2017 – The Landry lab has its first Ph.D. candidate … congrats to Gozde on passing her qualifying exam!

08.2017 – Travis’s work on building a new dual-infrared dopamine imaging microscope is published in Advanced Functional Materials!

08.2017 – Junchen’s paper reporting a new fluorescent sensor for tumor hypoxia – & implementation in vivo is published in ACS Sensors!

07.2017 – RIKEN’s Brain Science Institute QBits magazine highlights Markita and Linda’s visit to RIKEN for the QBiC conference.

07.2017 – Abraham’s paper on evaluating dopaminergic neuromodulation and identification of optimal imaging and nanosensor kinetic parameters is published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience!

07.2017 – The Hellen Wills Neuroscience Institute announces the Radical Ideas in Brain Science Challenge Winning Team, in collaboration with the Wilbrecht, Feller, and Carmena labs!

07.2017 – Landry Lab receives a 2017 Stanley Fahn Junior Faculty Award to study neurodegeneration.

06.2017 – The San Francisco Chronicle highlights our work on deep-brain imaging of neuromodulation.

06.2017 – Landry Lab is selected as a finalist & competes in the NIH Single-Cell Analysis Program Follow that Cell Challenge.

nih scap

06.2017 – Can you image dopamine deep in the brain? Travis’s bioRxiv preprint shows what it takes, using dual infrared two-photon microscopic imaging  – check it out here.

06.2017 – Congratulations to Rebecca, who was selected as an Honorable mention for the Ford Foundation Graduate Fellowship.

06.2017 – Abraham’s preprint on stochastic modeling of dopaminergic neuromodulation is now available on the bioRxiv – check it out here.

06.2017 – Linda Chio wins the prestigious NDSEG fellowship! Congratulations!

05.2017 – Gabriel Dorlhiac joins the Landry and Streets labs as a joint student from the UC Berkeley Molecular Biophysics program!

04.2017 – Gozde’s Society for Biological Engineering article is published in a special edition for plant synthetic biology. Congrats!

04.2017 – Travis and Rebecca share our research with K-12 students in Oakland at OUSD’s Dinner with a Scientist.

04.2017 – We welcome Younghun Sung to the lab! Younghun joins us from Seoul National University where he studied heterostructured nanocrystals for photocatalytic reactions.

03.2017 – Congratulations to Linda Chio who won the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

03.2017 – Our work on nanoparticle-templated molecular recognition of proteins is published in a special edition Springer Protocols: Synthetic Antibodies book. Congrats Linda & Darwin!

03.2017 – The Landry Lab welcomes Ian McFarlane to the lab! Ian is a microscopist and physicist from the University of Southern California who joins our lab’s deep-tissue imaging team.

02.2017 – The Landry Lab welcomes Huan Zhang to the lab! Huan joins us from the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics where she developed functional nanomaterials, and probes their interactions with biological systems.

02.2017 – Markita is selected as a Chan-Zuckerberg biohub investigator! Our lab will interface with biomedical researchers at Berkeley, Stanford, and UCSF for the next five years, through this exciting initiative.

02.2017 – The Landry Lab welcomes Biophysics rotation students Gabriel Dorlhiac and Toby Turney to the lab!

01.2017 – We synthesize and use infrared nanosensors to detect single proteins from individual microorganisms! Read about it in our new paper. Congrats co-authors Linda & Darwin.

01.2017 – The Berkeley Catalyst magazine highlights Markita’s appointment to the UC Berkeley college of chemistry faculty.

01.2017 – Our JOVE article is published. Congrats to all authors, especially Travis and Linda who led the labwork.

12.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes new postdoctoral researcher, Sanghwa Jeong, to our lab! Sanghwa is an inorganic synthetic chemist joining us from POSTECH.

12.2016 – The Landry Lab is featured in the MRS Intersections magazine.

11.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes new graduate student Rebecca Pinals to our lab! Rebecca joins us from Brown University, where she completed her undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering.

11.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes Chemical Biology rotation student Vanessa Yang to our lab.

09.13.2016 –  Our methods paper is published in Current Protocols in Chemical Biology. This paper covers the synthesis, characterization, and imaging of synthetic infrared nanosensors. Congrats to co-authors Gozde and Abraham!

09.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes Chemical Biology rotation student Daniel Brauer to our lab.

09.01.2016 – Linda wins the 2016 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering LAM research fellowship!

08.24.2016 – A big congratulations to Linda Chio, who won the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award!

07.15.2016 – Our lab wins the 2016 Beckman Foundation Young Investigator Award !

07.2016 – Landry Lab student Gözde Demirer wins the Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future fellowship. Congratulations, Gözde!

07.2016 – Our lab is awarded a collaborative SFARI grant from the Simons Foundation with the Froemke lab at NYU

2016 – Two Landry Lab students win the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations, Abraham Beyene and Darwin Yang!

2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes its first postdoctoral researcher, Travis del Bonis-O’Donnell. Welcome!

2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes its inaugural members, CBE Graduate Students Abraham Beyene, Linda Chio, Gozde Demirer, and Darwin Yang. Welcome!

2016 – The Landry Lab’s research on label-free protein detection is supported by a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface


2016 – Construction of the Landry Lab begins!

12.2024 – Owen’s preprint quantifying data distortion in bar graphs is highlighted by Science and Nature!

10.2024 – Markita is selected as the 2024 Blavatnik National Laureate in Chemistry! Check out the video highlighting our lab!

10.2024 – Markita gives the 2024 Thiele Award Lecture at Notre Dame!

08.2024 – Henry wins the Philomathia Graduate Fellowship in Environmental Sciences. Congrats, Henry!

05.2024 – Natsumi wins the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface (CASI) – congrats, Natsumi!

03.2024 – Markita wins the Heising-Simons Faculty Award!

10.2023 – Owen Lin joins the lab – Welcome Owen!

08.2023 – Markita is selected as a Schmidt Polymath Fellow!

05.2023 – Roxana wins the Burroughs Wellcome Fund PDEP award – congrats, Roxana!

04.2023 – Markita gives The 2023 Purdue Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Award Lectureship

03.2023 – Natsumi Komatsu joins the lab – Welcome Natsumi!

03.2023 – Roxana wins the NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology. Congratulations, Roxana!

01.2023 – Markita is selected as a Bakar Prize recipient!

10.2022 – Jaquesta wins a poster prize at the 2022 Chemical Biology symposium!

10.2022 – Markita and Wenjun Zhang win a Keck Foundation award to study medicinal plants!

10.2022 – Markita is recognized with the 2022 UNC Chapel Hill Distinguished Young Alumni Award!

09.2022 – Roxana Coreas joins the lab – Welcome Roxana!

07.2022 – Nicole wins a poster prize at the Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience meeting!

07.2022 – Markita is selected as an Honorable Mention for the National Academies of Science Diversity Leadership Award!

06.2022 – Markita wins the McKnight Scholar Award!

05.2022 – Markita is awarded the inaugural Philomathia Prize!

05.2022 – Sophia Tomatz joins the lab – Welcome Sophie!

04.2022 – Undergrad member Alexia Li received the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award from the Chemistry Department and a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for Chemical Engineering. Congrats Alexia!

02.2022 – Dabin Yim joins the lab – Welcome Dabin!

01.2022 – Markita is selected as a 2022-2026 Chan-Zuckerberg Investigator!

11.2021 – Henry Squire joins the lab – Welcome Henry!

09.2021 – Markita wins the 2022 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise!

09.2021 – Markita is shortlisted for the Nature Research Award for Inspiring Women in Science!

07.2021 – Juliana Matos and Shoichi Nishitani join the lab – welcome!

06.2021 – Rebecca wins the 2021 Schmidt Science Fellowship – congratulations!

05.2021 – Jaquesta Adams and Jaewan Mun join the lab – welcome!

05.2021 – Markita wins the 2021 Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Award!

05.2021 – Markita gives a (virtual) graduation address at the 2021 University of Illinois Commencement Ceremony.

03.2021 – Liz wins the 2021 NDSEG Graduate Research Fellowship – congrats!!

03.2021 – Huan and Nat post a bioRxiv preprint on the fundamental transport mechanisms of nanoparticles in plants: Nanoparticle Cellular Internalization is Not Required for RNA Delivery to Mature Plant Leaves.

03.2021 – Huan posts a bioRxiv preprint on our collaborative work with Peidong Yang’s lab using gold nanoclusters for transgene-free gene silencing in plants: Gold nanocluster mediated delivery of siRNA to intact plant cells for efficient gene knockdown.

03.2021 – Markita is highlighted in the University of Illinois Department of Chemistry Alumni Newsletter.

02.2021 – Travis has started as a scientist at Quantrapore Genomics. Congratulations!

02.2021 – Markita is interviewed for Caminos en Ciencia to talk about her path in science and advice for pursuing a career in STEM. Check out the interview [in Spanish] here!

01.2021 – Sanghwa will be Professor Jeong, as he starts his lab at the Pusan National University, School of Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations!

12.2020 – Markita wins the NSF CAREER Award!

12.2020 – Markita is selected as a CZI Frontiers of Imaging Deep Tissue Awardee!

11.2020 – Rebecca wins 1st place for her talk at the AIChE nanobiotechnology award session, and 2nd place for her talk in the AICHE Sensors Topical Student Competition. Congrats Rebecca!

11.2020 – Rebecca posts a medRxiv preprint on the development of a SARS-CoV-2 nanosensor for the detection of active COVID-19 infections! Read her preprint titled Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Detection by Carbon Nanotube-Based Near-Infrared Nanosensors.

10.2020 – Markita wins the 2020 Society for Neuroscience Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Award!

10.2020 – Sarah Yang is awarded the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award!

09.2020 – Markita is selected as one of the top 100 most influential Hispanic/Latinx scientists in America!

09.2020 – Nanomaterials enable neuro-recordings, drug delivery, and brain imaging… but how do they affect the brain? Darwin publishes his study showing nanoparticle-induced microglial morphogenic and transcriptomic changes – and how to prevent these immune responses, in ACS Nano!

09.2020 – The Landry Lab is part of an NSF Center for Chemical Innovation program led by the Schepartz Lab: The Center for Genetically-Encoded Materials!

08.2020 – Huan’s paper on the synthesis of DNA nanostructures for siRNA-based gene silencing in plants is published in Nature ProtocolsCongrats!

08.2020 – Markita is honored as the inaugural 2020 University of Illinois Young Alumni Awardee!

08.2020 – Congrats to Rebecca who was selected for the Merck Research Awards Symposium at the ACS  annual meeting!

08.2020 – Huge congrats to Huan Zhang, who will start her faculty position at the Jinan University Department of Chemistry and Materials Science. The Zhang lab will combine nanomaterials and plants to pioneer research in the agricultural biotechnology space!

07.2020 – Darwin publishes a preprint on the transcriptomic and morphogenic changes induced in brain microglia by nanomaterials. Check out how to prevent these neuro-immune responses in his preprint: Transcriptomic and morphological response of SIM-A9 mouse microglia to carbon nanotube neuro-sensors!

07.2020 – Rebecca publishes her work on Engineering at the nano-bio interface: harnessing the protein corona towards nanoparticle design and function in Analyst.

07.2020 – Huan publishes her work on the use of DNA nanostructures to develop fluorescent DNA microarrays in Sensors and Actuators B titled A DNA Tetrahedral Structure-Mediated Ultrasensitive Fluorescent Microarray Platform for Nucleic Acid Test.

07.2020 – Gozde publishes a paper showing DNA-free gene silencing in plants by using carbon nanotubes to deliver siRNA to mature leaves. Check out her work, Carbon nanocarriers deliver siRNA to intact plant cells for efficient gene knockdown published in Science Advances!

07.2020 – Rebecca is selected as a 2020 Distinguished Young Scholar Speaker at the University of Washington Chemical Engineering Department!

06.2020 – Cindy and Abraham publish their work, in collaboration with the Vukovic Lab, on a joint experimental and molecular dynamics effort in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Read about it in their paper titled Binding Affinity and Conformational Preferences Influence Kinetic Stability of Short Oligonucleotides on Carbon Nanotubes.

06.2020 – The Landry Lab is highlighted in C&E News for our lab’s #ShutDownSTEM activities.

06.2020 – Markita is selected as the first female recipient of the ECS SES Research Young Investigator Award!

06.2020 – Congratulations to our two newest Ph.D. graduates – Gozde and Linda! Linda joins the research team at Gordian Biotechnology in San Francisco, and Gozde will join the Caltech Chemical Engineering department as a professor to start the Demirer lab in 2022!

05.2020 – Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers Francesca, Matthew, and Xiaoqi on being awarded Summer Research Stipends from the Berkeley College of Chemistry!

04.2020 – Markita is selected as the 2020 Emerging Leader in Molecular Spectroscopy awardee and will give a plenary lecture at SciX 2020!

04.2020 – Does DNA stick to graphene quantum dots (GQDs)? Turns out yes … but it depends on how oxidized these tiny particles are. Read about it in Rebecca and Sanghwa’s new paper published in Scientific Reports: Graphene Quantum Dot Oxidation Governs Noncovalent Biopolymer Adsorption.

04.2020 – Dorothy was selected to give a talk at the MCB Honors Symposium for Undergraduate research during the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Honors Research session! Stream here talk here!

04.2020 – Our recent work on plant genetic transformation with nanoparticles is highlighted on NPR’s Changing the World One Invention at a Time series!

04.2020 – Congrats to Alison, Jeff, and Ami on their selection as NSF GRFP fellows!

03.2020 – Congrats to Rebecca on her selection for the 2020 ACS CAS Future Leaders Program – a highly competitive international award recognizing emerging early-career scientific trailblazers and the next generation of scientific leaders!

03.2020 – Linda’s manuscript demonastrating dual covalent and non-covalent functionalization of nanotubes for molecular imaging is published in Advanced Functional Materials.

02.2020 – Markita joins the scientific advisory board of Chi Botanic, a company dedicated to developing plant cell lines and cultures for streamlining plant synthetic biology.

01.2020 – Rebecca and Darwin’s paper on their corona exchange protocol to study carbon nanotube binding dynamics with proteins is published in JACS! Read all about it in their article titled Corona exchange dynamics on carbon nanotubes by multiplexed fluorescence monitoring.

01.2020 – Human plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, nanotechnology, SAXS, thermodynamics, and kinetics – Rebecca’s new preprint has it all! Check out this work that nicely explains why so many of our nanotechnologies fail to perform in vivo: tinyurl.com/t3pcam9

12.2019 – Congrats to Sanghwa for publishing his paper on evolution of molecular recognition for serotonin! See how we repurpose molecular engineering to generate new binding sites for neuromodulator serotonin. Like protein engineering, but with synthetic particles – read about it in our Science Advances paper, High-throughput evolution of near-infrared serotonin nanosensors!

12.2019 – Congratulations to Abraham on his Ph.D. graduation! We will miss you – and look forward to seeing all of the exciting science that will come out of the Beyene Lab at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus!

11.2019 – Markita joins the scientific advisory board of Terramera, a company focused on optimized delivery to plants to reduce our global pesticide load. Learn more about Terramera here!

11.2019 – Markita recieves the 2019 UC Berkeley Campus Prytanean Faculty Award!

11.2019 – Linda’s posts a preprint to bioRxiv about her work on covalent surface modification on nanotube surfaces for molecular sensing! Read about it in her article: Surface Modification Effects on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Multimodal Optical Applications.

11.2019 – Congrats to Frankie, our lab’s newest PhD candidate, on passing his qualifying exam!

10.2019 – Welcome to the 5 new Landry lab graduate students: Chris (chemistry), Madeline (neuro), Nicole (chemistry), and Josh & Francis (chemical & biomolecular engineering) who are researching a broad range of topics from nanosensor evolution to genetic engineering of extremophiles for life on Mars!

09.2019 – Rebecca and Darwin publish a preprint studying corona exchange kinetics on nanoparticles & recommend testing nanosensors in blood plasma instead of serum. Read about it in their bioRxiv preprint: Corona exchange dynamics on carbon nanotubes by multiplexed fluorescence monitoring.

09.2019 – Sarah passes her qualifying exam! Congrats!

09.2019 – Markita is selected as a 2019 Bakar Fellow to translate nanotechnologies from the lab bench to the marketplace!

09.2019 – Rebecca is selected as one of the two recipients of the 2019 Chemical Engineering department Excellence in Teaching award. Congrats Rebecca!

08.2019 – Abraham’s dopamine imaging research is highlighted as a ‘speaking of chemistry’ video in C&E News!

08.2019 – Markita is selected as one of the C&EN Talented Twelve!

08.2019 – Congrats to Nat on a successful qualifying exam!

08.2019 – Nat is selected as a 2019 FFAR Fellow! This competitive fellowship is awarded to 17 talented food and ag scientists with a 3-year fellowship opportunity that supports research in food and agricultural research.

07.2019 – Abraham’s manuscript describing a near-infrared probe to image dopamine in the brain extracellular space is published in Science Advanesand summarized in Nature News.

06.2019 – Sanghwa and Rebecca publish a preprint on polynucleotide and biopolymer adsorption to graphene oxide quantum dots. Read about this work in their preprint: Graphene Quantum Dot Oxidation Governs Noncovalent Biopolymer Adsorption

06.2019 – Sanghwa publishes a preprint on a method to evolve synthetic molecular recognition, and produces a near-infrared nanosensor for neurotransmitter serotonin! Read about this work in Sanghwa’s preprint: High Throughput Evolution of Near Infrared Serotonin Nanosensors.

06.2019 – Markita publishes an opinion piece with Neena Mitter in Natute Nanotechnology on non-GMO plant biotechnology with the emergence of genome editing and nanotechnology tools. How nanocarriers delivering cargoes in plants can change the GMO landscape.

05.2019 – Abraham accepts a group leader position at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus. The Beyene lab will open in early 2020 to study neuromodulation with development of optical probes for the neuroscience toolkit. Congratulations, Abraham!

04.2019 – Linda’s research shows how peptoid-nanotube “synthetic antibodies” can detect lectin proteins and their conjugate sugars! Her paper summarizing this work is published in (and selected as the journal cover of!) Nano Letters.

04.2019 – Congratulations to Frankie, Sal, and Andrew for being awarded the NSF GFRP, and to Ami for the honorable mention!

03.2019 – Huan’s research on transfection-free gene silencing in plants with DNA nanostructures and DNA origami is published in PNAS: DNA nanostructures coordinate gene silencing in mature plants.

03.2019 – Markita is interviewed on NPR All Things Considered to discuss how nanotubes get DNA into plant cells. Check out the interview with Joe Palca on the NPR website!

02.2019 – Gozde’s work on delivering genes to plants with nanotubes is in press! Read about how to genetically engineer plants without transgene integration: High Aspect Ratio Nanomaterials Enable Delivery of Functional Genetic Material Without Transgenic DNA Integration in Mature Plants published in Nature Nanotechnology.

02.2019 – Huan finds that DNA nanostructures and DNA origami can deliver siRNA to plants – and that size does matter (but only to an extent…)! Read about it in her bioRxiv preprint: DNA Nanostructures Coordinate Gene Silencing in Mature Plants

01.2019 – Linda was selected as a winner (out of 79 submissions!) for the Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division student presentation competition at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, for presenting her work on peptoid-SWNT nanosensors!

01.2019 – Gozde has been selected for the 2019 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Graduate Student Award Symposium at the Fall ACS meeting. Congratulations!

12.2018 – Linda’s work on creating peptoid-nanotube based protein sensors is posted to the bioRxiv! Read about it in her article: Electrostatic-assemblies of single-walled carbon nanotubes and sequence-tunable peptoid polymers detect a lectin protein and its target sugars.

11.2018 – Travis’ work on statistical approaches to nanosensor discovery yields an optical nanosensor for chemotherapeutic doxorubicin! Read about his results in his article titled Chemometric Approaches for Developing Infrared Nanosensors to Image Anthracyclines published in ACS Biochemistry.

11.2018 – Markita is awarded the 2018 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Young Investigator Award!

11.2018 – We’re on a two-year streak! Darwin and Gozde both win speaker awards at the AIChE annual meeting for their talks in the Nanoscale Science & Engineering Forum.

10.2018 – Abraham and Kristen publish a viewpoint on methods to image dopamine titled New Optical Probes Bring Dopamine to Light published in ACS Biochemistry.

10.2018 – Abraham and our colleagues publish a paper describing an ultra-sensitive dopamine nanosensor in Nano Letters titled Ultralarge Modulation of Fluorescence by Neuromodulators in Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Self-assembled Oligonucleotide Rings

10.2018 – Welcome to the three new Landry Lab graduate students: Alison Liu from Caltech (& co-advised with Kranthi Mandadapu), Nick Ouassil from Columbia , and Jeff Wang from UT Austin!

09.2018 – Our work on imaging brain neurochemistry with the Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub is highlighted in CNBC!

08.2018 – Congrats to Rebecca, our lab’s newest PhD candidate!

08.2018 – Our lab publishes a review in NanoResearch titled Advances in Nanomaterials for Brain Microscopy. Congrats to Travis, who led the effort!

08.2018 – Congratulations to Travis, who won a 2-year Department of Defense Early Investigator Research Fellowship for his research proposal to study dopaminergic neuromodulation in Parkinson’s Disease.

07.2018 – Our lab posts a preprint introducing nIRCat, a near-infrared nanosensor to measure dopamine in striatal brain tissue in collaboration with the Wilbrecht Lab!

07.2018 – Markita is selected as a Moore Foundation 2018 Scialog fellow for the chemical machinery of the cell.

07.2018 – Markita is selected as a 45 under 45 Young Innovator in NanoBiotech by NanoResearch.

06.2018 – Abraham and Ali’s research on developing an ultrasensitive dopamine and norepinephrine nanosensor is on the bioRxiv: Ultralarge Modulation of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Fluorescence Mediated by Neuromodulators Adsorbed on Arrays of Oligonucleotide Rings.

06.2018 – Gabriel has passed his biophysics qualifying exam – congrats!

05.2018 – Abraham is awarded a prestigious NIH F99/K00 Transitional Award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Congratulations!

05.2018 – Markita receives a 2018 DARPA Young Faculty award!

04.2018 – Nat and Frankie’s paper discussing nanoparticles for plant genetic engineering is published in Cell Press Trends in Biotechnology, with discussion on heterogenous global GMO regulations and the evolving GMO discussion surrounding CRISPR-based gene editing in crops.

04.2018 – Our paper with Junchen Wu describing how intermolecular interactions decrease the efficacy of antibacterial peptides is published in ACS Biochemistry!

03.2018 – Abhishek wins a 2018 College of Chemistry Undergraduate Research Award!

03.2018 – Rebecca wins the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!

03.2018 – Rebecca is selected as an ECS Travel Awardee for her Electrochemical Society Conference talk titled Elucidating Protein Corona Formation on Nanocarbons in Complex Biological Fluids

02.2018 – Markita is selected as a 2018 Sloan Research Fellow! Read more about the award here, other awardees here, and through the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute announcement.

01.2018 – Gozde’s work on genetic manipulation of plants is on the bioRxiv : high-efficiency genetic transformation of wheat, arugula, and benthamiana with nanoparticle conjugates.

01.2018 – Junchen and Markita submit a bioRxiv preprint on the antibacterial efficacy of antimicrobial peptides as a function of peptide self-aggregation.

01.2018 – Frankie, Nat, and Sarah have all passed their oral preliminary exams. Congrats!

12.2017 – Markita is selected as a 2017 FFAR New Innovator. See articles by Berkeley Chemistry and Berkeley IGI for details!

11.2017 – Markita is a co-author on a paper describing nanoparticle-based and ATP-fueled light emitting plants!

11.2017 – Our lab is 4/4 this year: Darwin Yang passed his qualifying exam- congrats!

11.2017 – Gozde wins third place for her talk on genetic transformation of plants with nanomaterials in the 2017 AIChE Bionanotechnology graduate student award session!

11.2017 – Linda wins second place for her talk on protein detection in the 2017 AIChE Carbon Nanomaterials Graduate Student Award Session!

10.2017 – Abraham Beyene passed his qualifying exam! Congrats to our newest Ph.D. candidate!

10.2017 – Welcome to the three new Landry Lab graduate students: Frankie Cunningham from UC Santa Barbara, Natalie Goh from Cornell, and Sarah Yang (joint with the Schaffer lab) from Columbia!

09.2017 – A big congrats to Linda for passing her qualifying exam!

09.2017 – Check our our lab’s new work on engineering peptides for self-assembly into anti-cancer nanoparticles, published in RSC Chemical Science!

08.2017 – Congratulations to Rebecca Pinals, who won the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award!

08.2017 – The Landry lab has its first Ph.D. candidate … congrats to Gozde on passing her qualifying exam!

08.2017 – Travis’s work on building a new dual-infrared dopamine imaging microscope is published in Advanced Functional Materials!

08.2017 – Junchen’s paper reporting a new fluorescent sensor for tumor hypoxia – & implementation in vivo is published in ACS Sensors!

07.2017 – RIKEN’s Brain Science Institute QBits magazine highlights Markita and Linda’s visit to RIKEN for the QBiC conference.

07.2017 – Abraham’s paper on evaluating dopaminergic neuromodulation and identification of optimal imaging and nanosensor kinetic parameters is published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience!

07.2017 – The Hellen Wills Neuroscience Institute announces the Radical Ideas in Brain Science Challenge Winning Team, in collaboration with the Wilbrecht, Feller, and Carmena labs!

07.2017 – Landry Lab receives a 2017 Stanley Fahn Junior Faculty Award to study neurodegeneration.

06.2017 – The San Francisco Chronicle highlights our work on deep-brain imaging of neuromodulation.

06.2017 – Landry Lab is selected as a finalist & competes in the NIH Single-Cell Analysis Program Follow that Cell Challenge.

nih scap

06.2017 – Can you image dopamine deep in the brain? Travis’s bioRxiv preprint shows what it takes, using dual infrared two-photon microscopic imaging  – check it out here.

06.2017 – Congratulations to Rebecca, who was selected as an Honorable mention for the Ford Foundation Graduate Fellowship.

06.2017 – Abraham’s preprint on stochastic modeling of dopaminergic neuromodulation is now available on the bioRxiv – check it out here.

06.2017 – Linda Chio wins the prestigious NDSEG fellowship! Congratulations!

05.2017 – Gabriel Dorlhiac joins the Landry and Streets labs as a joint student from the UC Berkeley Molecular Biophysics program!

04.2017 – Gozde’s Society for Biological Engineering article is published in a special edition for plant synthetic biology. Congrats!

04.2017 – Travis and Rebecca share our research with K-12 students in Oakland at OUSD’s Dinner with a Scientist.

04.2017 – We welcome Younghun Sung to the lab! Younghun joins us from Seoul National University where he studied heterostructured nanocrystals for photocatalytic reactions.

03.2017 – Congratulations to Linda Chio who won the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

03.2017 – Our work on nanoparticle-templated molecular recognition of proteins is published in a special edition Springer Protocols: Synthetic Antibodies book. Congrats Linda & Darwin!

03.2017 – The Landry Lab welcomes Ian McFarlane to the lab! Ian is a microscopist and physicist from the University of Southern California who joins our lab’s deep-tissue imaging team.

02.2017 – The Landry Lab welcomes Huan Zhang to the lab! Huan joins us from the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics where she developed functional nanomaterials, and probes their interactions with biological systems.

02.2017 – Markita is selected as a Chan-Zuckerberg biohub investigator! Our lab will interface with biomedical researchers at Berkeley, Stanford, and UCSF for the next five years, through this exciting initiative.

02.2017 – The Landry Lab welcomes Biophysics rotation students Gabriel Dorlhiac and Toby Turney to the lab!

01.2017 – We synthesize and use infrared nanosensors to detect single proteins from individual microorganisms! Read about it in our new paper. Congrats co-authors Linda & Darwin.

01.2017 – The Berkeley Catalyst magazine highlights Markita’s appointment to the UC Berkeley college of chemistry faculty.

01.2017 – Our JOVE article is published. Congrats to all authors, especially Travis and Linda who led the labwork.

12.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes new postdoctoral researcher, Sanghwa Jeong, to our lab! Sanghwa is an inorganic synthetic chemist joining us from POSTECH.

12.2016 – The Landry Lab is featured in the MRS Intersections magazine.

11.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes new graduate student Rebecca Pinals to our lab! Rebecca joins us from Brown University, where she completed her undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering.

11.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes Chemical Biology rotation student Vanessa Yang to our lab.

09.13.2016 –  Our methods paper is published in Current Protocols in Chemical Biology. This paper covers the synthesis, characterization, and imaging of synthetic infrared nanosensors. Congrats to co-authors Gozde and Abraham!

09.2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes Chemical Biology rotation student Daniel Brauer to our lab.

09.01.2016 – Linda wins the 2016 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering LAM research fellowship!

08.24.2016 – A big congratulations to Linda Chio, who won the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award!

07.15.2016 – Our lab wins the 2016 Beckman Foundation Young Investigator Award !

07.2016 – Landry Lab student Gözde Demirer wins the Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future fellowship. Congratulations, Gözde!

07.2016 – Our lab is awarded a collaborative SFARI grant from the Simons Foundation with the Froemke lab at NYU

2016 – Two Landry Lab students win the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations, Abraham Beyene and Darwin Yang!

2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes its first postdoctoral researcher, Travis del Bonis-O’Donnell. Welcome!

2016 – The Landry Lab welcomes its inaugural members, CBE Graduate Students Abraham Beyene, Linda Chio, Gozde Demirer, and Darwin Yang. Welcome!

2016 – The Landry Lab’s research on label-free protein detection is supported by a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface


 2016 – Construction of the Landry Lab begins!